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1) Bird Dog Variations, 5 reps for 3 sets

2) Superman Variations, 10 reps

3) Singled-Leg Balance: Reach & Touch, 5 reps R/L

4) Alternate parts a & b for 3 sets:

a) Deadlift Warm-Up Sets, 6 reps @ 65%, 4 reps @ 75%, 2 reps @ 80%

b) Standing Toe Touch Progression, 60s (toes elevated/heels elevated)

STRENGTH: 3 Deadlifts @ 85% + Sled Push, 120ft (down/back) – 5 sets total


1) Hamstring Tack & Floss + High Glute Smash

2) Banded Single Leg Hamstring & IT Band Stretch

3) Pec Smash

4) Banded Elbow Bulley

WOD: Perform the following for time:

- 500m Row

- 5 rounds of …. 10 Ring Push-Ups + 20 Wall Balls (20/14)

- 500m Row


1) 100m Recovery Walk (immediately following WOD)

2) Core Work: Barbell Cauldrons, 15 reps R/L for 3-4 sets

3) Foam Roll (10 passes per area, starting with the back & working down to calf/shin)

4) Static Stretch of the Day: Spider Stretch

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