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Our Recent Posts




1) Ski 250m

2) Tall Plank Series (Outside of hand touch, shoulder touch, wallet touch)

3) Banded Pull-Apart Series

4) Parallete Jump Throughs (no push-up, no dip – hollow body to hollow arch)

5) Bench Press Bar Warm-Up

STRENGTH: Superset the following for 4 sets:

  • Bench Press, 8 reps @ 50/55/60/60%

  • 150m Ski (MAKE IT A SPRINT!!!!)


1) Barbell Pec Smash

2) Barbell Tricep Smash

3) Front Rack Stretch

4) Frog & Couch Stretch

WOD: Perform a 14-minute alternating EMOM with the following:

MIN 1: 8 Parallete Jump Throughs (no push/no dip) + ME reps, Box Jumps

MIN 2: 8 Front Squats (95/65) + ME reps, Box Jumps


1) 200m Recovery Walk

2) V Stretch (2-3 minutes relaxed hold)

3) Extra Core: Banded Pallof Press Series, 10 reps R/L x 3-4 sets

4) Individual Mobility (5-10 minutes of foam rolling, soft tissue work & stretching)

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